Offer your body a gentle beauty routine

magazine nativys

All parts of the body are probably preferred.Face, hair, body, feet and hands ... Devoting time to take care of it is a favor for your body that will not cease to thank you.

Our body supports us, keeps us in force, puts us on the line and keeps us in balance, taking care of it in beauty and softness is the minimum that we can do.

Now that you've taken care of your face and you've put on a Skin Care routine thanks to the namasy ritual, you can now take care of your body skin.You will be recognized and fully rewarded for your efforts provided by healthy, pretty and comfortable skin.

Adopt a body care routine

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Your body belongs to you that to you, get it out with cellulite and accelerates its regeneration.Your care routine will not be complete without cleaning, exfoliation and hydration.

Skin cleansing: the first beauty step

The first step to take care of your skin is to clean it.As you did in your facial treatment routine, you can do the same with your body, you should prepare the ground for him so that he can enjoy the benefits of the products you offer him.Regularly clean the skin;an important part of a good hygiene routine.

Exfoliation: perfect beauty ritual

For a fresh and radiant complexion.Eliminates unwanted squams from your skin and other impurities and dirt thanks to the ideal method of exfoliation to make way for renewed and radiant skin.Then adopts a body exhausting body on your wet skin by massaging by circular movements then rinsing the skin well as well as its negative waves.This beauty treatment allows an excellent separation of the dead parts of the epidermis.

Hydration: a reality that is essential

After cleaning and exfoliated your skin, now it's time to bring him the hydration he deserves.Apply a nourishing cream, a moisturizing milk or an emollient balm, by massaging the whole body and letting penetrate, it will be really ideal and will offer your skin by sublimating its appearance.

Why establish a body care ritual?

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Body care is an integral part of your well-being, it is a sensory and spiritual response in your daily life.Let yourself be immersed in a magical place and find a full and radiant skin.Thereby :
- Continuous hydration offers a real protective barrier to find flexibility and comfort.
- Regular hydration with a massage product also prevents the appearance of small fatty clusters under the skin.
- Body care promotes relaxation and appeasement.
- It also facilitates the elimination of toxins and helps regulate the heart rate.
- It participates in remodeling the contours of the body.
- Finally, it firms the skin;contributes to improving your appearance with a tonic body.